The story behind Jim Corbett's unique name

The story behind Jim Corbett's unique name

By Ruchi Joshi

08 Mar, 2023

2 mins read

You are wearing comfortable khaki shorts with a cute shirt. Your legs are in a crouched position for quite a long but the big black boots are helping you to keep your stance steady. You are closely watching your surroundings through a pair of binoculars. The melodious music of birds, the wind passing by and the ruffling of fallen leaves are the only sound you can hear. After a long wait, you have finally spotted the big cat. Prowling around its prey, the big cat goes ahead for its meal. You take out your modern contraption from your bag. SHOT! Finally, your wait has paid off with the perfect picture of the Tiger devouring its prey. Quite dreamlike, right? This can be a real-life experience at Jim Corbett.

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Picture - Unsplash

About Jim Corbett National Park

Wildlife photography is one of the best things to do if you are visiting the oldest national park of India – Jim Corbett National Park. It was established in 1936 with the aim to conserve the diverse and rich wildlife in India especially our national animal – Tiger. It is spread out over a 520 sq km area and houses the highest number of tigers in the whole world with a population of over 230.

Animals You Can Spot Here - 

Apart from tigers, you can indulge in bird watching as Jim Corbett National Park has more than 600 different species of birds which include the White Stork, Black-Crowned Night Heron, Cinnamon Bittern, Cattle Egret, Great White Pelican, etc. You can spot elephants, monkeys, leopards, red foxes, black bears, etc through a jeep safari that takes you on a tour of the dense forest of the national park. The most popular national park in India is located in Uttarakhand. Since the Corbett River, Ramganga River and Kosi River flow near the national park, you can additionally enjoy river rafting here.

But wait, how did Jim Corbett get its unique name? And moreover, who was Jim Corbett?

Tale Of The Hunter Who Believed In Wildlife Conservation

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PIcture - Unsplash

Born on 25th July 1875 with British ancestry at Nainital, Edward James Corbett is popularly known as Jim Corbett. He grew up surrounded by the natural beauty and wildlife of Uttarakhand and found his passion in animals. Moreover, he took excursions into the wild, learning about the laws of nature and the peculiarities of its inhabitants. He got himself equipped with knowledge about birds and animals through his little detours. It taught him compassion towards wildlife.

History Of Jim Corbett

He had a precise and accurate sense when it came to hunting. There was a time when the villagers were scared for their lives because of the man-eating tigers that frequented them. This one particular tiger had created havoc in the lives of the villagers and so Jim Corbett took upon the task to hunt this big cat. He tracked the tiger for days and one day he finally found the opportunity. After shooting it, Jim Corbett came to know that it was a tigress. On further investigation, it was revealed that the teeth of the tigress were broken and due to this, she was unable to hunt animals and resorted to man-hunting. According to his famous book “Man-eaters of Kumaon”, that tigress had killed over 430 people across the region.

Man Eater Of Kumaon 

Known as one of the best hunters in India, Jim Corbett has hunted down a little over a dozen man-eating tigers and leopards. Most of these man-eaters were injured in some or the other way which is why they hunted humans. He was a strong believer of wildlife conservation and made efforts to achieve his vision. To honour him and his legacy, the first national park of India was named Jim Corbett National Park.

The Hosteller Jim Corbett

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Picture - Unsplash

Experience living in the jungle and being surrounded by the music of nature at our lovely hostel located at a distance of just 8 km from the Jim Corbett National Park. Unwind from the monotony and take a plunge into the wild while enjoying your workation with the best view. At The Hosteller Jim Corbett , you can sit by the pri vate riverside or take a dive into our swimming pool. The interiors of the hostel's private rooms and dorms are as vibrant as the wildlife at Jim Corbett National Park. You can enjoy the company of books at our in-house library or socialize with fellow travellers. Can not live without your daily dose of coffee? Worry not! We have an in-house café to take care of all your cravings.

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